Radko Semančik
Member of Board of Directors & Executive Director
Radko Semančik has passed almost all management positions in asset management companies. He gained rich experience at ČSOB Investiční společnost (Investment company) in Prague in preparing and supporting the sale of new products.
At ČSOB Asset Management and ČSOB d.s.s. he held the position of a member of the Board of Directors responsible for the area of product development and sales promotion in the field of collective investment and the second pension pillar. Later, as CEO, he transferred the company through transformation that resulted in the establishment of a foreign branch of KBC Asset Management in Slovakia.
He became acquainted with the world of hedge funds at Circle Partners company, where he managed a team of fund administrators and took care of key clients of the company. Since 2018 he has been a member of the Board of Directors of RIB SLOVAKIA, správ. spol., a.s. and is responsible for back office agenda and administration.